Joan left us today! Boo Hoo. Not really! She left for Phoenix ahead of us so a friend could install a new microwave for her. But she didn't leave until after we made a trip to one of the local casinos. I know some of you saw Amye's posting on the No-Tow-Bago site, but for those of you who didn''s the truth and nothing but the truth! Amye won $, I lost $ and Joan lost $$$. Now what does that tell you?
Amye and I will meet up with Joan at a rest area west of Phoenix in the morning to head for Blythe, CA. Nothing there but a day of rest...not that we haven't been doing a little here and there. Guess I better get to bed. Morning seems to come early out here.
Be sure to get to California to be at Michael Jackson's funeral. Glad you girls are enjoying your vacation. If I had gone to the casino my winnings would have been $ also.