Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Road Runner

As promised in my first post, I would upload a picture as soon as I figured this out. This is the Rialta Road Runner. She was made by Winnebago Industries. Her Model is a 2002HD. She can sit 7 (9 if you are skinny!) but sleep only 2 people. She's a joy to drive! Picture was taken at 6:45 A.M.. She's awake and ready to roll!


  1. Hope you are having fun. Sally is trying to sign on your blog. She will get it. We have crummy weather today. We wanted to go kayaking but no!!! This is the wonderful Mohawk Valley- remember it??? No keep your mind on the driving!!

  2. Hello,
    I hopefully have figured this blog stuff out!!!
    Send us the sun as we age getting very depressed with this rainy cool weather.
    Drive carefully and say hi to your girl friends for me.

  3. I don't need to send any stinkin' directions on blogging. You've got it down pat already! Have fun on the road, Mom!!! Love you!
