Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mt. Rainier High!

Mt. Rainier

Our journey the past several days has taken us into Enumclaw, WA and Mt. Rainier National Park. What a magnificent site! My daughter's significant other, Jim, took us up to Sunrise. It is the closet one can get to the peak of the mountain by a motorized vehicle. On our way up the mountains, Jim took us in to Crystal Village hoping we could see some elk, as they stay in the village year around. We were not disappointed! A small herd of females with their young'ens were sunning in the community park area.

Momma Elks and Babies

Up and up and round and round mountains we went. There was one beautiful overlook before reaching the summit. Here we took some memorable pictures of what was below us. A meadow and a couple of lakes, the road we had already traveled and a view of another mountain, Mt. Adams. We could also capture picture of Mt. Rainier from a different perspectrum. At Sunrise, the wildflowers were in full bloom adding to the colors of the green meadows. We at lunch in the gift shop/restaurant and enjoyed time in the Visitors Center.

A View of Mt. Rainier from our campsite

The TTT's parked on a farm, courtsey of Steve with a fantastic view. While in Enumclaw, Amye was able to get her sunglasses fixed. No more squinting! We also went to the Muckleshoot Casino. We all came out a little bit ahead...and I do mean "a little bit". At least we didn't leave any of our money.

1 comment:

  1. Rainier is spectacular. Glad you got to see the wildflowers.
